Our First Event is a 'Small Business Primer'. Advisors from the Small Business Development Center at Binghamton University will present an 'Introduction to Business', tailored to the unique needs of creative businesses. I know this is generally an area that most creatives tend to avoid/procrastinate and yes, maybe Dread! But learning to write a solid business plan and getting to the bottom of those tax and insurance questions will help you turn your passion into a successful venture. Perhaps it will be a little more fun if we embrace it together!
Title: Small Business Primer for Creative Businesses
Date & Time: Thursday, February 20, 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Cloud Croft Studios - Schoolhouse, 1003 Sanford Rd.
Parking: Attendees can park in the field adjacent to the schoolhouse.
Registration: This session is FREE but registration is required. Sign up at: https://nysbdc.ecenterdirect.com/events/1019263