The 12th Annual Supporters’ Exhibition is open to current, renewing, and new supporters (aka members) of Tioga Arts Council (TAC). Members may submit one work each, and submissions may include any original artwork that has been created by a TAC patron as a single piece or edition. There is NO fee to enter. Become a Supporting Artist or renew your support when you deliver your work for the exhibition, which will be on display in the month of October.
Artwork Drop Off: Friday, September 27, or Saturday, September 28, from 12 - 4 pm. All work must be:
Labeled with Artist Name, Artwork Title, Media, Price (or NFS)
Properly wired for hanging
Accompanied by completed exhibition entry form
Work cannot exceed 3’ in a given direction
Notify TAC if work requires a pedestal
One submission per artist
Exhibition Opening: Friday, October 4, from 5 - 8 pm
Exhibition Duration After Opening: October 5 - 26, 2024 Wed. - Sat., 12 - 4 pm
Unsold Artwork Pick-Up: Wednesday or Thursday, October 30 or 31, from 12 - 4 pm
Work may have been created at any time. Artwork may be listed for sale or listed as not for sale (NFS). TAC will retain 25% commission on the work that is sold. Two-dimensional artwork must be wired and ready for display. All work (2D and 3D) must be labeled with the: Artist’s Name; Artwork Title; Process/Media; Date; and Sale Price. No commercially produced submissions will be accepted unless the design is fully executed by the artist. Artworks will be handled with care; however, TAC assumes no liability for theft or damage of works. All works must be picked up after the exhibition is closed, on Wednesday or Thurday, October 30 and 31, between 12 - 4 p.m. TAC is unable to store works that have not been retrieved. If your work is larger than 3 feet in any direction, or if you have questions, please contact Christina Di Stefano at or 607.687.0785.
Supporters’ Exhibition Entry Forms
Please follow this link to fill out our digital form about your artwork and upload a photo. Printed forms available at TAC.