Tioga Arts Council (TAC), in partnership with Cloud Croft Studios (CCS), is excited to announce its seventh juried regional art exhibition, Everyday Life, Every Day Art. The Opening Night & Awards Ceremony will be on Friday, August 22, 2025. After the opening, the exhibition will run from August 23 to September 27, 2025. It will feature work from artists within a 100-mile radius of Owego, encompassing 25 counties in New York and Pennsylvania. For every artwork sold in the exhibition, 80% of proceeds will go to the artist and 20% of the commission will go towards Art a la Carte, a unique arts education program and partnership  between TAC  and the Tioga County Food for Families.

2025 Award Categories

  1. Best in Show: ($1,000)

  2. Painting: ($200)

  3. Photography: ($200)

  4. Sculpture: ($200)

  5. Fiber: ($200)

  6. Ceramics: ($200)

  7. Mixed Media: ($200)

  8. Drawing & Illustration: ($200)

  9. Printmaking: ($200)

  10. Traditional Fine Craft: ($200)

  11. Honorable Mention 1: ($50)

  12. Honorable Mention 2: ($50)

  13. The Betty Bryden & Tom Canouse Award: ($150)

Important Dates

  • August 2, 3, 4 (Artwork Drop Off)

  • August 6 (Live Adjudication)

  • August 9, 10, 11 (Unselected Artwork P/U)

  • August 22 (Opening Night & Awards Ceremony)

  • August 23 (Exhibition Opens to Public)

  • September 27 (Last Day of the Exhibition)

  • September 28, 29 (Unsold/Sold Artwork P/U)

Artwork Sales

A 20% commission will be taken on all sales. The commission will support TAC Program, Art a la Carte, which brings arts-enrichment activities to children and families who are food insecure and utilize summer meal sites in Tioga County.

Exhibition Hours

The exhibition will be open to the public from August 23 through September 27, Thursday – Sunday, from 12 – 4 p.m. For special events and appointments, contact either Christina Di Stefano, at tiogaartscouncil@gmail.com, or Mike Poe, at cloudcroftstudios@gmail.com.

Cover Art

Joan Lockburner’s Memories & Decisions will be the featured artwork for 2025 Everyday Life, Every Day Art. Thank you, Joan, for supporting this event and allowing us to feature your work.

Note: A paper form is available HERE. However, digital form submissions are encouraged.